As a matter of fact I was never a big fan of bridal dolls. I don't own any bridal Barbie although I have quite a collection. I can't exactly say why I don't like them, they seem so over the board, too kitschy, too puffy, simply too exagerated.
But paradoxically I don't feel this way about Fleur brides. They are gorgeous and don't give me that hyperglycamic vibe.
Otto Simon didn't make many bridal dolls or gowns during their 10 years of production...there are only two dolls and one fashion and I am happy to own them.... and there is no male groom to marry, so these brides are pretty progressive for the 80s :-)
Wedding Fleur

Wedding Fleur was produced 1983 and was the first bridal doll and in my opinion one of the most beautiful Fleur dolls ever made. She was available with three haircolors: honey blonde, dark brunette and ginger and was produced in two variants (at least).

The box

All variants were sold in a big dark green box like all early Fleur dolls with the promo picture of her at the front:
The back of the box shwos some Fleur dolls from the same era like In Concert, Shopping, Florida, Sunny Day and Popstars as well as a cute gardening outfit.

The doll

The first variant of Wedding Fleur was made with the Ballerina headmold (click here to see an overview about the headmolds) with avery soft head and a trnclicent vinyl that tends to sweat and get greasy. Her lips were small. Her lashes were long and her eyes were azure blue. She was on a Ballerina body with bending ellbows and ancles (see here an overview about Fleur doll bodies).The veil was glued to her head, so you can find glue residue on her head.
Her hair is very sparely rooted and of a nice texture. It doesn't get as frizzy as the usual Fleur hair. It has a middle part and is over the shoulder long with big layers.

The second edition of Wedding Fleur was also made with the Ballerina headmold, however with a different, more peachy and softer vinyl that didn't darken. Her head is hard. Her make up seems to be more vivid, her lashes are long, her yes azure blue. Her lips are bigger than the first edition. She has very full hair, longer hair. The veil was not glued to the head, so she doesn't have any glue residue. She was also on the Ballerina body.

The outfit
The gown consists of a satin floor long neckholder dress with a big tulle collar with lace border and three ruffles of tulle with lace border on the skirt. She is wearing a very cute hat that was secured with a silver band to the head and a veil that consist of two layers of tulle and can be flipped over her face. The doll in box has the veil over her face. In her hands she holds a bouquet of two pink flowers wrapped in tuzlle and a cute little white purse.
The two doll variants differ also on the outfit. The tulle and the lace of the gown are different to each other. The first version has a bigger mashed tulle which is much more soft and flowy. The flower pattern on the lace border shows big flowers. The second version is made of a tulle with smaller mashes that is much stiffer and the gown is alltogether puffier. The lace border has smaller flowers as a pattern.
The veil differs also in the tulle, like the gown. The hat of the first version was glued to the doll's head, the veil of the second version was not.
The added flowers and purse looks to be the same.

Brides Happiness

Brides Happiness is a two doll set that consists of a beautiful Fleur bride and a little bridesmaid with the same hair colour. This dollset was released in 1985 and again in 1986/87 as a second edition. Bride and bridesmaid were available with three haircolors: goldenblonde, ginger and brunette. All variants and editions were wearing the same costumes.

The box
The first edition set in 1985 was released in a dark green box like the earlier Fleur dolls, the second edition set was released in a light green box.

The doll

The facemold of the 1985 bride was the Tennisstar facemold (click here for an overview of Fleur facemolds). She has full, short lashes and heavy eyeshadow. Her cheeks are strongly blushed at the side and her lips are red and full. The bride produced in 1986 has the Colourstar facemold with significantly longer lashes. The make up is very similar with strong eyeshadow and blush.
Both dolls have curly middlelomg hair that can be in a fleur flip or loose.

The bridesmaids of 1985 and 1986 share the same facemold. It is unique and was made for this set only. She is very cute with painted on lashes and a small smirk. The bridesmaid of 1985 had usually a fringe with center parted hair in short or shoulderlength. The 1986 braidsmade didn't have a fringe. There were also transitional sets though.

The bride of 1985 and 1986 were released with the Ballerina body (click here for an overview of Fleur bodies) with ball jointed waist, sidesplit legs with bending ancles and bending ellbows. The bridesmaid has a hart plastic body with movable arms and legs.
The outfit

The bride wears a beautiful delicate white wedding gown with middle long sleeves and a three layered skirt. The collar, the sleeves and the skirt layers are finished with lace borders. She wears a very delicate veil, with lace ruffles on the top that is secured with a silver elastic to the head. The veil consists of two layers and can be fliped over her face. The veil is also finished with a lace border. The doll in box wears the veil fliped back. The bride has a bouquet of lilac flowers with yellow center. She wears white pumps.

The bridesmaid is wearing a short dress in white with see through sleeves and a puffy skirt. The fabric of the skirt is the same that was used already for the Ballerina Fleur in 1982.
The bridesmaid wears a flower headband and has also a similar flower bouquet as the bride (not pictured). She wears white flats with a little bow.

Bridal fashion #1220

This pretty yet simple wedding dress was sold in the early and the late 80s, it was available in a dark green and a light green box, which means it was available before 1986 and after as well. It seems that it was quite popular.

The dress is made of two layers with a cotton underdress and a lace overdress, which are sewn together at the waist. It has middlelong lace sleeves and a turtleneck made out of lace. Normally there is also a bow at the waist that is missing here. The very cute thing about this outfit in my opinion is the little lace hat to which the veil is attached. The veil can be worn over the face or flipped up. As a nice detail a little colourful flower bouquet was added made out of plastic. White pumps were also part of this outfit.

I hope you enjoyed all these little brides. If you did please leave me a comment!
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