This blog post will be about the Secretary Fleur doll made in 1983. I am very lucky to own one in box. This doll is rather harder to find, especially in box, so I'm very happy that I can show her to you and her special characteristics!
Otto Simon released a couple of Fleur dolls with professions. Sadly, Otto Simon was not ahead of their time unlike Mattel, so Fleur only has the stereotypical female professions of the 80s, like Animal Doctor, Nurse and Secretary. But I'm not judging...after all she had at least no boyfriend untill 1988, so she was an independent woman (and probably married to another Fleur, as there were bridal dolls but no broom hehe....)!
The box
The box of the Secretary Fleur is quite big, it's one of the biggest boxes I own next to Sunshine Fleur and Aerobic. It is made of dark green cardboard (like all dolls before 1986) with the Fleur logo at the right upper corner and green and yellow flowers at the bottom half of the box. The cardboard is cut out on the left side with celophane inserted to make a window and nearly the whole doll is visible. The celophane tends to ghet yellow due to aging. On the right side of the front there is a cute photo of a ginger Secretary Fleur standing in front of her working space.
On the back of the box there is, unlike any other doll, a big photo of the super rare Miss World Fleur, that was only available at a special store called Speelboum.

On the side of the box is a cartoon showing the possible movements of the dolls.
Inside the box is a yellow cardboard to which the dolls and the props are attached to. The doll and the props are attached on the left side of the cardboard, so they can be visible through the celophane.

My brunette Secretary Fleur is attached to the cardboard with two wires, one brown on the waist, perfectly matching the outfit, and one white at the feet. The props are attached with a white wire or yarn to the cardboard.

My blonde Secretary Fleur however is attached with white wire on the neck and one on the legs to the cardboard. The props are attached with velcro to the cardboard.
The doll
First edition
The Secretary Fleur is a beautiful doll (but which one isn't, right?). She has the smallest head of the 80s Fleur dolls, the Ballerina facemold (see here an overview of the headmolds of the 80s). The vinyl used for this doll is a bit darker than other dolls and tends to get greasy. Her eyes are small and azure blue. She has long lashes. Her eyebrows are very thin and usually tend to be very pale, on some dolls they are hardly visible.

She has small, light red lips that might turn into orange or a peachy color and red blushing cheeks. The blush is put on the lower cheeks.
She was available with three hair colors, dark brown, ginger and blonde. The ginger and blonde hair can turn green over time, especially if in contact with water and/or sunlight. Her hair is sparely rooted, short and more curly than wavy.
She has the very posable Ballerina body (see here an overview of the Fleur bodies).

Second edition
A rather harder to find variant of the Secretary Feur was made with the wider Aerobic facemold. Her eyes are more oval, the vinyl seems to be less dark, but her brows made tend to pale as well. I have only seen one of this variant at www.fleurdolls.com, but I suppose she was made with all three haircolours as well.
She is also made with the Ballerina body.

The outfit
She is wearing a very cute costume with brown and white checked pattern that consists of a jacket with big brown buttons at the front and a knee long skirt. On her shoulder she wears a matching brown bag that is attached with an adhesive tape and her shoes are the small brown kittenheel pumps with a flower. I haven't seen any noticable variations of the outfit yet.

The props
Each Secretary doll comes with three props that she can work with. Every dolls has a small calculator, that looks very realistic, I had one like it when I was in school! There are several variants of the calculator. Each doll comes also with a small note book, where she can put her memos in.
And each doll has a certain working mashine. There are three different working mashines. The working mashine that is added depends on the hair color of the doll. The brunette Secretary doll comes with a small computer. The ginger Secratery has a copying mashine and the blonde Secretary comes with a typewriter. These mashines are very realistic and so 80s!!! It's fun to look at them!

There is also a small booklet added to the box that shows some dolls, outfits ands furniture of the 70s and early 80s.
Have you noticed the photo of the Fleur cleaning the toilette?!? Hilarious!!! 😂

I hope you enjoyed this little review! If you liked it, it would mean a lot to me, if you would leave me a comment!
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Magda (Friday, 09 September 2022 16:06)
I have never seen this doll in box. Thank you for the detailed photos!